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Hair Transplant Hair Loss Information Hair Restoration Dallas Hair Loss Texas hair transplant Hair Restoration Surgeon

Hair Transplants Other Than Scalp

While scalp hair loss is probably the most common area of concern for patients, hair can be lost from any place on the body. Natural aging, disease processes, or trauma can cause hair loss on the face, body, eyebrows, and eyelashes. For some patients, this can cause a level of concern but fortunately there are options for rejuvenation. The same techniques used to transplant hair in the scalp can be used for facial hair transplants, eyebrow transplants, and body hair transplants.

Any hair from any part of the body can be transplanted to any other part of the body. Patients must remember that transplanted hair will maintain the characteristics that it had before transplant. This means that the hair will grow according to the same cycle, obtain the same color, and have the same texture. The can be problematic for transplant between certain areas. Patients should be aware that hair on different parts of the body have different growth cycles. This means that eyebrow hair does not grow as long as scalp hair. If scalp hair is transplant to the eyebrows, the transplant hair will have to be trimmed. Alternately, if body hair is transplanted to the scalp, it will not grow as long as natural scalp hair so the natural hair will have to be trimmed shorter.

Eyebrow Transplants

Donor hair for eyebrow transplants usually comes from the scalp. A large density of hair is required for eyebrow transplant procedure to make them look natural and 2,000 or more grafts for both eyebrows is not unreasonable in some situations. Placement is key and requires a regularly irregular pattern to obtain natural appearing results. After eyebrow transplants, the hair will have to be shaved or a ponytail can result.

Eyelash Transplants

Eyelash transplants are a much more difficult procedure to obtain quality and lasting results. The long term results from eyelash transplants do not show a favorable survival rate. With the introduction of Latisse™ to the market, it is suggested that patients only pursue eyelash transplants after exhausting all other treatments. The donor site again is the scalp and individual hairs are threading through the lash margin. Eyelash transplants from the scalp require grooming or excess growth can occur.

Facial Hair Transplants

Mustache and bear replacement is possible with facial hair transplants. Donor site is again the scalp and either FUE or strip donor excision can be undertaken. The pattern of placement for facial hair transplants must be regularly irregularly. Large numbers of grafts can sometimes be needed for facial hair transplants owing to the large surface area to be transplanted.

Body Hair Transplants

Chest hair or pubic hair can be replaced with hair restoration procedures. Again, scalp hair is the usual donor site and grooming is necessary to produce natural appearing results.

hair transplant physician
Dr. Verret

Dr. D.J. Verret is board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, is a member of the prestigious International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons and the American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, and a clinical assistant professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. His hair restoration center focusses on natural and long lasting results for people suffering from hair loss. For hair restoration, hair transplants, Dallas hair loss treatments, eyebrow restoration, eyebrow transplants, treatment for male pattern baldness, and treatment for female pattern baldness, consider Dr. Verret. Common misspellings of Dr. Verret's name include Verrett, Verrette, Varret, Verette, Veret, Varratte, Verette, Verrett, and Ferret. Click here for our disclaimer and terms of use.